As open science movements evolve, I keep tabs on ethical and policy issues in this space. Additionally, I write about human enhancement, health policy, distributive justice, and health, science, and technology in general. Some of my favorite pieces are linked below.
Editorial and Opinion
The Biden-Harris FDA should make friends with independent researchers, Stat News
The Folly of DIY Vaxxers, Biodesigned magazine
Creating eggs and sperm from stem cells: the next big thing in assisted reproduction?, Stat News
Americans deserve a bioethics commission, Biodesigned
The Misguided Idiot’s Quest for Immortality, OneZero
Allow same-sex female couples to use 'three-parent' IVF, New Scientist
Why I Had A Magnet Implanted In My Finger, WBUR’s Cognoscenti
Scotland vote a success for democracy, UK’s future, The Boston Globe
Violence against women is fueled by online misogyny, The Boston Globe
Drones: Buzzing over Boston, The Boston Globe
Target breach shows need to update obsolete cards, The Boston Globe
European fascism: A movement grows in Hungary, The Boston Globe
FAA flying blind on drone regulation, The Boston Globe
Unmotivated in the basement? A millennial responds, The Boston Globe
Policy Analysis
Biohackers Made a Cheap and Effective Home Covid Test -- But No One Is Allowed to Use It, Leaps Magazine
New guidelines for stem cell and gene therapies miss the mark, Sex, Drugs, and Biotech
Bill of Health, at the Petrie Flom Center at Harvard Law School
4 things you wanted to know about gene editing, PRI’s The World
Why growing human brain tissue in a dish is an ethical minefield, New Scientist
DNA sequencing of babies is here: Should it be available to all?, New Scientist
CRISPR gene editing causes hundreds of unintended mutations? Yes, but that's nothing to worry about, International Business Times
With Brexit, UK voters may put millennials’ futures at risk, The Groundtruth Project
Five things to know about the McCutcheon decision, The Boston Globe
US just starting down the path toward net neutrality, PRI’s The World/Global Post