I report on ethical and policy issues related to emerging science and technology. I’ve covered reproductive technologies, data privacy, pharmaceutical pricing, digital culture, space, drones, regulation of stem cell clinics, and the ethics of sex selection. Find a selection of my favorite stories below.
Recent Work
What’s so wrong about sexbots?, Freethink
The Neglected Science of Neovaginas, Neo.Life
Biohackers in space (Almost), Neo.Life
The case for more doping in the Olympics, Neo.Life
To boldly go where no pharma has gone before, Neo.Life
Biophilic homes prove nature is the best medicine, Neo.Life
Can we recycle cities? Biodesigned
Health-tracking implants can create bionic cows. Are humans next? Experience Magazine
Community Bio Confronts a Pandemic: As the movement mobilizes to face coronavirus, can it be trusted? Biodesigned
Biohackers are pirating a cheap version of a million-dollar gene therapy, MIT Technology Review
Would You Vote for a President Who Promised Eternal Life?, GEN magazine
U.K. Women Are Fighting an ‘Absurd’ Law That Destroys Their Frozen Eggs, One Zero
Illustration by Maria Chimishkyan for my OneZero to accompany this piece.
The babies at the fringes of fertility tech, OneZero
The first genome edited babies are here. What happens next?, PRI’s The World
Biohackers are using CRISPR on their DNA and we can't stop it, New Scientist
A groundbreaking report on gene editing says we shouldn't create enhanced humans, Motherboard
Scientists argue the US ban on gene editing will leave us behind, Motherboard
Geneticists are concerned Transhumanists will use CRISPR on themselves, Motherboard
This week geneticists want to decide if GMO humans are ok, Motherboard
Elon Musk Wants You to Build a Pizza Parlor on Mars, Motherboard
UK millennials are reeling over Brexit uncertainty, GroundTruth Project
Internet governance is disputed territory, with US slow to cede control, Al Jazeera
How the Department of Defense is using big data to combat sex trafficking, PRI’s The World/GlobalPost
US electronics industry feels the heat on conflict minerals, PRI’s The World/GlobalPost
This iPad-size tool could change the way we fight the world's biggest health problems, GlobalPost
DOMA on Trial: Obama administration spares LGBT couples with family ties, GlobalPost